^~~~~~~~ELSEWHERE & OTHERWISE 2015 | CA CONRAD & RED VAUGHAN TREMMEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~26/07 -01/08/2015
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Mon, 2015-04-13 12:36
ELSEWHERE & OTHERWISE is continuing its quest to develop precise strategies for sharing and disseminating other forms of knowledge that outgrow the parameters of traditional academic disciplines.
For its second edition ELSEWHERE & OTHERWISE invites historian, sexuality scholar and artist RED VAUGHAN TREMMEL to carry forward his proposal from last year: the elaboration of different techniques to enhance our awareness of the material erotic dimension and its political implications. By shifting historical categories of private and public around - and by stimulating both our conscious and unconscious experimentation with the erotic - a promising collective practice of queer knowing started to appear during E&O’s first edition that asks for in-depth continuation.
Hooking into that is poet CA CONRAD's (Soma)tics: ritualized structures for writing where being anything but present is next to impossible. Geared to reveal the creative viability of everything around, CA’s poems and practice expose and explode integrated categories of thought, gender and language, turning poetry into a queering force of spiritual activism calling for the future wilderness.
And we’re ready for it:
The meeting will take place in PAF - PERFORMING ARTS FORUM where all of the participants and speakers will be hosted.
Initiated and run by artists, theoreticians, practitioners, and activists themselves, PAF is a user-created informal institution. It is a platform for anyone who wants to expand possibilities and interests in his/her own working practice.
PAF is located in a former convent school (6.400 m2), in a 1.2 hectare garden in the village of St. Erme, France, approximately 130km northeast of Paris.
The price is 350 EUR per person including seminar fee, accommodation, and all meals including coffee and wine during the whole meeting, 1 year PAF membership, usage of all facilities and Wi-Fi.
The maximum number of participants is 50 people. So please reserve as soon as possible.
PAF can assist you with invitation letters in case you plan to come with a grant. People who attend with a grant are kindly asked to pay 50 EUR more for E&O so the price for the others can stay as low as possible. PAF finances E&O (as everything else) without subsidies or grants.
Red Vaughan Tremmel is a professor, filmmaker, performance curator, and installation artist who lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. Tremmel's work explores spaces of play and pleasure, including the body, as historically significant sites of social struggle where people negotiate complex constellations of power. He is particularly interested in the ways marginal erotic bodies (transgender, queer, stripper, etc.) and cultures function as sites of alternative and oppositional knowledge production, re/membering, and healing. He is the director and co-producer of the documentary film Exotic World and the Burlesque Revival (2012), the curator and producer of the Sissy Butch Brothers' live Gurlesque Burlesque shows (2001-08), and co-creator of Subjects of Desire: Objects of Resistance, a multimedia installation commissioned for dOCUMENTA(13). Tremmel earned his doctorate in American History from the University of Chicago. He is current fellow at the Newcomb College Institute and a past fellow of the Social Science Research Council; Columbia College’s Ellen Stone Belic Institute for the Study of Women and Gender in the Arts and Media Program; the University of Chicago’s Center for Gender Studies Program; and the James Hormel Sexuality Program. In 2012, he founded the Office for Gender and Sexual Diversity at Tulane University, where he teaches history and gender and sexuality studies.
Born on January 1, 1966, poet CA Conrad describes himself as “the son of white trash asphyxiation whose childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for his mother and helping her shoplift.” He is the author of numerous collections of poetry, including ECODEVIANCE: (Soma)tics for the Future Wilderness (Wave Books, 2014); Philip Seymour Hoffman (were you high when you said this?) (Worms Press, 2014); A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon: New (Soma)tics (Wave Books, 2012); The City Real & Imagined (Factory School Press, 2010), with the poet Frank Sherlock; and The Book of Frank (Chax Press, 2009), recipient of the Gil Ott Book Award. He has also authored a book of nonfiction essays, Advanced Elvis Course (Soft Skull Press, 2009). A 2014 Lannan Fellow, a 2013 MacDowell Fellow, and a 2011 Pew Fellow, he also conducts workshops on (Soma)tic poetry and Ecopoetics: “Ultimately, I want my (Soma)tic poetry and poetics to help us realize at least two things. That everything around us has a creative viability with the potential to spur new thinking and imaginative output and that the most necessary ingredient to bringing the sustainable, humane changes we need and want for our world requires creativity in all lives, every single day.”
CHILDREN your bliss is at stake
CHILDREN listen carefully for the
lies your parents tell you
CHILDREN prepare for joy in ways
none of them will ever imagine
prepare to live with no regrets
From: Act Like Polka Dot on Minnie Mouse's Skirt
CA CONRAD, Albion Book Series 5, Volume 2
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