>> Elsewhere&Otherwise IV ** 23/6-1/7/2017 ** @ Performing Arts Forum <<
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Thu, 2017-02-02 21:14
Once a year we live together. All bodies are possible and welcome: for the 4th time ELSEWHERE & OTHERWISE makes itself available as an experimental space to practitioners and thinkers who want to take seriously, share and question the erotic capacities of their practice and thinking. The erotic is intended here as the kind of power that circulates amongst bodies and ideas, beneath and against vectors of political oppression and generative of other possible material compositions.
The collective study and care we began around rituals, magic, formalisation, healing, poetry, the erotic and activism has been unfolding and strengthening itself through the years as a form of necessary on-going care. The internet before the internet we invoked in the past edition of E&O, has been established and sustains us - we meet again this year to keep on charging it and ourselves in it. The solidarity we established is not just a grid to fall back onto, or a large “we” of belonging, it is rather an active power we secretly carry inside as we move through the world on our own.
There is a lot to be done, we take the current crises as a clue, a departing point for possible and necessary experiments in the ways we organise our lives together and in the ways we go about knowing.
Programmed yet not filled in, this years edition of E&O will take place from June 23rd to July 1st, 2017. We will circulate and study quantum feminism, more imaginative orgasms, various form of readings (astrology, tarots, chocolate), a shoplifting/con-ing workshop, the making of feminism 101 cards, aphrodisiac cooking workshop, healing herbs, boxing, aggressive snuggling, self-defence techniques, as well as anything else you might want to share or experiment with.
As there will not be any invited speaker and no fees will be paid, we are happy to announce that we can keep the price to the basic costs for stay, food and membership.
PAF costs 18€ per person per night plus a 12€ membership fee valid for one year. Food will either be self-organized (ca 10€ pp/pd) or we will arrange a coordinating cook (17€ pp/pd) depending on the number of participants.
If you are able to apply for a grant we are happy to help with invitation letters. Also we would appreciate it very much if you could apply for more than needed for your single participation (according to the kind of application you are able to submit) so to help others in different financial conditions to also participate (suggested: 400€).
If parents with children would like to attend the meeting we will try to make it possible by organizing some form of collective care. Please let us know ahead of time.
The meeting will take place in PAF - PERFORMING ARTS FORUM where everybody will be hosted.
To reserve your place please email: contactpaf@gmail.com