Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Fri, 2021-04-02 23:31
In March 2020, PAF had to close its doors. After a period of global uncertainty, we carefully reopened in the summer. Since then PAF has proven to be a covid-safe, and pleasant place for work, thanks to its abundance of facilities.
However as an autonomous space with no subsidy or funding, PAF usually relies on large gatherings and groups –which have been impossible for over a year– and covid measures have made costs in the house higher.
In short, there is not enough income to pay for PAF's expenses, and we have accumulated debt. To make bridging this period possible, we need support.
We aim to collectively gather 30.000 euros / 2.500 euros a month, which would allow PAF to cover part of its basic costs for this year. This is why we call for the support of all those who at one time or another have enjoyed PAF.
You can contribute with:
- A monthly donation by clicking "make this a monthly donation"
- A one–off donation
- A bank transfer to PAF's account. Please send us an email at contactpaf@gmail.com so we can provide you with a receipt
IBAN FR76 1020 6000 1698 3349 8874 651
PAF is currently open at reduced capacity, welcoming visitors and small groups who want to work and exchange in a concentrated atmosphere. Once travel restrictions are alleviated, PAF remains a wonderful site for individual stays and mid-scale gatherings. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are considering coming.
Warm greetings from PAF,
Simon Asencio
Lyor Askénazi
Sepideh Ardalani
Daniela Bershan
Deborah Birch
Stefan Govaart
Frida Laux
Jean-Félix Marécaux
Norbert Pape
Andrea Rodrigo
Giulia Tognon
Louise Trueheart
Nisaar Ulama
Adriano Wilfert Jensen
Sviatlana Viarbitskaya
Dries Van de Velde
& Valentina Desideri and Jan Ritsema