Summer University 2018 * 30/07 - 02/09 *
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Fri, 2018-08-17 20:27
The Summer University at PAF was initiated in the year 2005 by a number of artists, thinkers and practitioners during the initial meeting in St. Erme. One of the initial motivations behind the summer university was to replace the notion «Academy» referring to the Renaissance-style combination of research and education in one location. While Summer University initially grew out from an artistic origin, it has followed diverse paths in other fields theoretical and practical. While SU began by differentiating itself from other international summer academies (offering workshops, lectures, panels etc) requiring participants to apply, it rapidly solidified its own take on disciplines and approaches via collective self-organization.
However, all structures and organisms risk becoming obsolete without movement and self-reflective and self-experimental revision. Thus just as SU once divided itself from ‘proper’ academies, and experimented over the last four years with self-curation by young professionals (who knew the building inside and out), now PAF must also separate what it has been from what it can still be. So, as always, the main interest of SU is to experiment with and to test the practices developing at PAF: fields of knowledge, archives of research, modes (methods, procedures, techniques) of production, exchange and presentation, schemes of collaboration, types of projects, politics of care, discursive and dialogical engagement by all participants.
For these reasons Summer University 2018, 30/7-2/9, is with no curators, no prepared schedule, no central organization this year, but open weeks, to be filled in by the participants; each separate week loosely focuses on a body part.
You can reserve for as many weeks as you feel like. All participants are free to take part and propose activities for or with others (lecturing, reading, watching, showing, discussing, producing, practicing...), or to work on one's own work. The silly “faculties” hereunder are broadly interpreted and cover all bodies of knowledge ; they are welcome to experimentation, reshaping, betrayal and distortion.
Head (thinking/philosophy), 30/7-5/8
Eyes (film/video/photography), 6-12/8
Legs (dance/movement), 13-19/8
Ears (music/sound), 20-26/8
Tongue (poetry/writing/theater), 27/8-2/9
The stay per night is 18/20€ per night, depending on if you stay more or less than 5 nights. 12€ membership, valuable 12 months. Food will be paid and handled individually or through self-organised collective organisation.
Reservations at contactpaf@gmail.com