**ELSEWHERE & OTHERWISE 24/6 - 1/7/2016 **
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Sat, 2016-01-23 23:48
For the third edition of Elsewhere & Otherwise we decided to continue along the lines set on the last encounter and further the work on rituals, formalisation, the erotic, magic, and social practice. The collective study we begun with E&O has so far invoked a large and varied set of practitioners and thinkers busy with those matters, especially from queer and politically engaged perspectives. This year we decided to step away from the format of one or two invited guests that guide conversations and activities, and we would rather invite each and every one of the participants to share their thoughts, knowledge and practices.
It is time for a more radical approach in which the knowledge that is already there can take enough time and space to be rehearsed, shared, articulated, transformed or even discarded. As we understand study as something closely related to the practice of care and simply of being together, we are already sending invitations to the participants whose contributions we would really value and to shift from a seminar format to an independent study group.
Participants that have so far confined and topics we want to explore are: different forms of readings (tarot, coffee, poetry, chocolate, astrology, philosophy), spells & magic, writing, anatomical workshops, forest explorations, self-healing, metaformic theory, somatics, philosophical and mathematical analysis of formalisation as a tool for understanding rituals, scientific rituals (for example in physics), DJ'ing and remixing, gut feminism, phytotherapy and pop theory.
We are communicating E&O 2016 ahead of time in order to give everyone enough time and space to think about what they would like to share with the group. Valentina and Daniela are happy to gather all the proposals and arrange possible sequences.
As no fees will be paid we are happy to announce that the price can be lower then in the past years. That is also thanks to some participants who have agreed to ask for grants (and can thus pay more) in order to keep the general price for the 8 days as low as possible.
PAF costs 18€ per person per night plus a 12€ membership fee valid for one year. Food will either be self-organized (ca 10€ pp/pd) or we will arrange a coordinating cook (17€ pp/pd) depending on the number of participants.
If you are able to apply for a grant we are happy to help with invitation letters. Also we would appreciate it very much if you could apply for more than needed for your single participation (according to the kind of application you are able to submit) so to help others in different financial conditions to also participate (suggested: 400€).
If parents with children would like to attend the meeting we will try to make it possible by organizing some form of collective care. Please let us know ahead of time.
The meeting will take place in PAF - PERFORMING ARTS FORUM where everybody will be hosted.
To reserve your place please email: contactpaf@gmail.com