PAF Winter Update Meeting 2022 * Arrête La Machine * 27/12/22 - 03/01/23
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Fri, 2022-10-21 17:30
What does it take to stop the machine? And can we stop it, at least for a moment?
Is 2022 just another year marked by omnipresent ecological, political and social crises (as well as personal ones), or have we arrived at a point where we must accept that life – at PAF and everywhere else – means to stumble from one crisis to the next?
Can a self-organised structure like PAF – next to being a fascinating and demanding organism of collective experimentation – also be, at least momentarily, a common relief, a shelter from the constant performances demanded and expected from its protagonists? What would it take to arrête la machine, to stop the wheels of PAF from turning and separate PAF from its constant demands? The question is not how to stop PAF from being but whether we can imagine a lighter, less relentless, more sustainable rhythm for the running of PAF? And what would it take – infra-structurally, emotionally, ecologically and financially – in order to do so?
The Winter Update Meeting once again invites you to think along, share and shape these discussions, which will reflect on and evaluate the ongoing experiment of self-organisation at PAF.
Three days will be dedicated to discussing how PAF self-organises in 2023. These talks are open to all those who would like to actively listen and learn about how PAF is being run, as well as to those who would like to take part in the future self-organisation model. These meetings and ensuing discussions will be steered by current and future contributors to the self-organisation experiment, and while we welcome everybody's input, time to be together is short and we invite everyone present to treat the tasks at hand reverentially.
WUM has always been a moment where the year beyond PAF is in review. No official program of workshops or performances is planned in advance. Therefore it is up to you to fill up the blackboard with ideas, proposals, performances, and sessions of any kind. Let’s update each other on the projects and practices, experiences, relations and ideas that have shaped our year.
Above all, WUM is a time for conviviality, good food, and informal exchange. So pack your bags for extraordinary abundance and the luxury of great (familiar and unexpected) company.
Prices are 18 euros per night for a stay longer than 4 nights (20 euros per night otherwise). Membership (12 euros) is obligatory due to insurance reasons and valid for one year. To come earlier or stay longer is of course possible. The kitchen will be co-organised by some of PAF's finest chefs - all meals will be provided for 15 EUR/day.
In order to allow people with little or no resources to attend the meeting, we open our payment scheme to different financial capacities: if you can pay more than the nightly baseline, it will help someone else to be there with us. If you are able to apply for a grant we are happy to help with invitation letters, and would appreciate very much if you could apply for more than needed for your single participation. If you would like to participate and you do not have the financial conditions to do so, please let us know and we will try to make it possible for you.
The minimum attendance for WUM is 3 nights, with preference given to those who can commit to the entire meeting
To reserve your place, please email contactpaf@gmail.com.
The building is already at capacity so please indicate when booking whom you would like to share a room with.
27/12 Arrival
28/12 SCI Meeting of the shareholders
29/12 Self-Organization 1
30/12 Self-organization 2
31/12 New Years Eve Ceremonies
01/01 Open day
02/01 Self-Organization 3
03/01 Departure