Call for SELF-EDUCATION at PAF, april 1- october 1 2007
PAF | PerformingArtsForum, St. Erme, France
www.pa-f.net | self-education@pa-f.net
Acall for not yet professionals and young artists
Period 1 April – 30 September 2007
SELF-EDUCATION AT PAF offers the opportunity for a non-hierarchical, self-motorized learning process. In contrast to other educational programmes based on instruction, SELF-EDUCATION AT PAF focuses on:
– learning how to identify your own interests, and how to set up the means to develop your own curriculum of study
– encountering other young professionals from different backgrounds
– sharing your work with other artists, theoreticians and cultural practitioners in residence at PAF.
Activities are structured in various formats determined by students, guests and other PAF residents: presentations of work and feedback sessions, discussions and debates, film screenings and lectures, classes and workshops. PAF provides a large amount of working space, studios of various sizes, spaces for communal activities and a mediatheque. The peaceful surroundings support full concentration on work.
In a double structure of both self-motorized, self-guided individual/group study, and intensive exchange with other artists, students can expand their knowledge and learning process. The particular emphasis of the research practice at PAF is on investigating artistic methodology, creating tools to design working
processes, and developing skills beyond those already established.
Briefly, learning at PAF means engaging in a dialogue that may challenge your artistic goals, methods, and visions of art in contemporary society.
SELF-EDUCATION ATPAF is six months long (1 April – 30 September 2007)
and includes Summer University (10 days in July/August 2007) and students exchange period (21 May – 1 June 2007). For more information about PAF and its program see www.pa-f.net.
Period 1 April – 30 September 2007 | Fee: €250,– per month for accom-
modation and working space | For participation please send a project
description and a CV to: janritsema@mac.com
Initiated and run by
Carla Bottiglieri, Elke Van Campenhout, Alice Chauchat, Bojana Cvejiç, Annie Dorsen, DD Dorvillier, Thomas Greil, Sandra Iché, Mette Ingvartsen, Krõõt Juurak, Florian Malzacher, Xavier Le Roy, Berno Odo Polzer, Marta Popivoda, Nikolina Pristas, Sergej Pristas, Jan Ritsema, Petra Sabisch, Eszter Salamon, Ana Vujanoviç.
PAF | PerformingArtsForum
Contact & Information
Jan Ritsema / PAF
15, rue Haute
F-02820 St Erme Outre et Ramecourt
T/F +33323801846 | mobile: +33637031645
email: janritsema@mac.com
skype: janritsema
PerformingArtsForum (PAF)
Basic information
AMission Statement
PAF is a place for the professionals and not-yet-professionals in the field of performing arts, visual art, music, film, literature, new media, theory and cultural production, who seek to research and determine their own conditions of work.
PAF is for people who can motorize their own artistic and knowledge production, not only responding to the opportunities given by the institutional market. Initiated and run by artists, theoreticians, practitioners and activists themselves, PAF is a user-created informal institution. It is a platform for anyone who wants to expand possibilities and interests in his/her own working practice.
PAF is located in a former convent school (6.400 m2), in a 1.2 hectare garden in the village of St. Erme, France, approximately 130km northeast of Paris.
PAF is
– a forum for producing knowledge in critical exchange and ongoing
discursive practice
– a place for temporary autonomy and full focus on work
– atool-machine where one can work on developing methods and procedures, not necessarily driven toward a product
– a place for experimenting with other than known modes of production
and organization of work, e.g. open source production
– a place for distraction, retreat and conviviality
PAF is not a venue which has the budget to produce, promote and distribute projects, but it is a house offering generous space and unlimited time, a possibility to shape your own conditions of work, as well as contact and exchange of content and other modes of production with the artists and theoreticians working at PAF.
PAF is an institution which continues to develop on the basis of what each person brings through his/her engagement. It has no other aim but to operate on the principles of self-organization, whereby one assumes the responsibility for creating and organizing his/her own work and activity in PAF. One can be working alone in PAF. But PAF also offers spontaneous ways to interact with others, without forcing collaboration.
Who can come to PAF?
You don’t need an invitation to come to PAF. PAF isn’t a closed group. It’s enough that you write an email explaining what you would like to do in PAF, and then you will negotiate the time of your stay and all other practical matters.
What can I do in PAF?
You can come to work on whatever you choose to. This entails a wide range of activities: personal projects, but also projects you would like to initiate, organize and involve more people, such as conferences and all other kinds of meetings.
If you don’t have a concrete project, purpose or intention, you can also come and visit PAF. In PAF you will probably find a number of artists, theoreticians and other practitioners – the information about the persons and activities is updated monthly on the website. There is a growing mediatheque with technical equipment where you can view videos. The whole place is covered by WIFI. There is a lot of studios, working spaces and other communal places, including a park.
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