Winter University 26 december 2006 - 4 january 2007
“Winter University” [=WU] is a project initiated by the participants of the Summer University held in PAF in August 17-27/2006. A number of practitioners (artists, theoreticians, cultural workers etc.) who gathered for the first Summer University in the house in St. Erme.
The main interest in organizing WU is to experiment and test the practices PAF is developing and/or will develop in future: types of projects, areas of research, modes (methods, procedures, techniques) of production, frames of collaboration, discursive engagement by all interested participants. In a few words: all activities that make up knowledge production in the arts, theory and cultural practice, open and specific.
University and participation
“University” is the term that replaces “academy” here referring to the Renaissance principle of combining research and education in one location. Secondly, it is called “university” rather than “academy” because PAF will be open to all areas of knowledge, even if art is or remains the starting point.
So, WU isn’t another international winter academy, offering workshops, lectures, panels etc. under a representative topic for which participants apply. The participants of WU are its organizers, in that they are proposing, organizing, and taking part in different projects and activities during WU. In contrast to existing academies WU isn’t based on the principle 'pay to learn and teach to earn'. Every participant pays the same fee (the equivalent of food, lodging and technical organization) to take part no matter what competence or specific knowledge he/she can offer. The access to SU is open, but more specifically determined by each project/activity. (See the programme further)
The preparation of WU has already begun from the moment the project was discussed. Only by organizing preparation as process, rather than by planning a representative programme, can WU act as a minimodel of PAF: an intensification, a furthering, a confrontation and an intereference-plus-cumulative-effect of all projects, activities, concepts and initiatives, which are either in progress, or about to take off in future, or subsist in potentiality.
A proposed format for sharing knowledge and information is press conference. Somewhat old-fashioned and too official for the informality of these meetings, press conferences are optional, not obligatory reports made by each group to the others either on regular basis or by special appointment.
Everyone is invited to propose the project or activity they would like to organize within SU. Or to propose a discussion about a project you are working on. To make a presentation when you want to have it discussed, etc.
The only limit of choice is the capacity of the house.
The aim behind the open access and self-organization is to make possible parallel heterogeneous research platforms. To experiment with configurations, extensions, transformations, interferences, mergings and forkings of projects/activities.
A special attention will be given to the issue of documentation. How can we make sure that the different research, projects and events are documented and published in a way that enables others to use them for further investigation? Projects/activities are encouraged to automatically reflect their own documentation. Naturally, information will also circulate wider than SU, in ways that PAF won’t be responsible for.
How to become a participant?
It’s as easy as sending an email to jan.ritsema@pa-f.net and wait for a confirmation.
No appplication is needed.
Neither is a proposal obligatory.
You can also stay shorter or longer than the Winter University period.
The participation fee is 250 euro for the 10 days, consisting of 100 euro for a room, 150 euro for food (three meals a day, incl. wine). When you stay less days you pay accordingly. So a 4 nights stay would cost 100 euros
For more information about PAF go to www.pa-f.net where you can also find the information about how to get there (http://pa-f.net/node/10).
Programme (the program at PAF is always flexible and optional)
For now the programme is an open list of proposals:
*works asking for more feedback and more discussion – those people who are looking for more feedback discussion on their work are invited to organize such a session.
COMING TO PAF WINTER UNIVERSITY 26.12 2006 (until 31.12. 2006)
Post Conceptual Art Practices
Students of the Class and professor Marina Grzinic and assistant Gerhard Gleich
with guests from Vienna Manoa Free University, Vienna, Theory that Walks, Belgrade, Kontekst Gallery, Belgrade, among others
The research trip to PAF by the Post Conceptual Art Practices, AKBILD, Vienna is connected with the 2006/2007 school year project: PRODUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE. This project researches the system of contemporary education, with an emphasis on open source and (self) organizing models of knowledge and activities. A special focus is given to the question of construction of history of art and connection of art practices and activist theory. The class already went for a trip to Prishtina, Kosova in November 2006.
One of the educational goals of the Post Conceptual Art Practice is taking part in research and exchange trips. In such trips students actively present their work and activate a platform of debates with other students and the general public. Post Conceptual Art Practices from The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna has accomplished several research trips in the last three years: Ljubljana (Slovenia), Bratislava (Slovakia), Split (Croatia), Belgrade (Serbia), Usti nad Labem (Czech Republic) and Dresden (Germany). In all these cities we had a program of lectures, performances, screenings, happenings and presentations. The exchange is established between the Class and other Academies or cultural centers in connection with artistic and cultural projects.
THE PROGRAMM of the Vienna Fine Arts Academy:
AKBILD/Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
Prof. Dr. Marina Grzinic
RESEARCH TRIP TO PAF PerformingArtsForum
PAF Winter University Program
25. DECEMBER to 31. DECEMBER 2006
Visit Paris: 28.12.2006
Presentations, discussions, reading, cooking…….
Self education, self organization, democratization of knowledge
Students Akbild/PCAP and the Belgrade branch: Theory that Walks, Kontekst Gallery
Lina Dokuzovic; Kevin Dooley; Eduard Freudmann; Can Guelcue;
Ana Hoffner; Chaim Jackler; Ivan Jurica; Koloman Kann; David Kellner;
Christoph Kolar; Lisbeth Kovacic; Martina Lunzer Brem; Katharina Morawek;
Michael Poetschko; Lillo Reissert; Henning Schorn; Lukas Tagwerker;
Christina Trachta; Tilman Wagner; Ruth Weismann; Tina Wimmer;
Stephanie Winter; Regina Wuzella; Ivana Marjanovic; Miljana Peric
Marta Popivoda; Ana Vujanovic
Gerhard Gleich
Marina Grzinic
PROGRAM PAF prepared with the Belgrade Branch
VISIT TO PARIS a program proposed by Natasa Petresin, Ljubljana, curator, writer and Ph.D. candidate at EHESS in Paris (www.ehess.fr), co-organizer of the seminar "Something You Should Know: Artistes et producteurs aujourd'hui" at EHESS (http://www.ehess.fr/ue/2006-2007/ue1250.html)
26 DECEMBER 2006/Tuesday
PAF: Jan Ritsema guide through the house, its history and current formation of
paf; self-introductions of all of us, presentations, points of
researches in the fields of education, learning, knowledge
(production) etc
27 DECEMBER 2006/Wednesday
Discussing the work similarities and differences:
COOKING EVENT with presentations of the works: screenings,
performances, lectures from Vienna, from Belgrade group
with talks about problematical, critical, unusual, specific, unknown,
differential points in others' works; the points could be recognized
better by the people outside than by those who are in; also
discussing concepts such as - difference, other, particularity,
normativity, communication, disagreement
28 DECEMBER 2006/Thursday
PROGRAM proposed by Natasa Petresin, Ljubljana, curator, writer and Ph.D. candidate at EHESS in Paris (www.ehess.fr), co-organizer of the seminar "Something You Should Know: Artistes et producteurs aujourd'hui" at EHESS (http://www.ehess.fr/ue/2006-2007/ue1250.html)
At 9.00 departure St. Erme to Paris
*At 11.00 - 12.30
Le Plateau, Paris
Address: Le Plateau, Place Hannah Arendt, 19. Department (intersection between Rue des Alouettes and Rue Carducci)
Website: http://www.fracidf-leplateau.com/
Presentation of the Le Plateau, meeting Gilles Baume, organizer of pedagogical activities at Le Plateau, with Natasa Petresin, Thomas Boutoux (Métronome Press) and Francois Piron (Work Method)
PRESENTATION of the project Société Anonyme (to be realized in March 2007).
Meeting Maria Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki
Maria Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki are media artists of Greek origin based in Paris since 1975. They produce films, videos, multi-media installations, performances, photographic pieces, sound and texts.
*At 13.00 to 14.00 LUNCH at PALAIS DE TOKYO
*At 14.00 -15.00
Address: 13, Avenue du Président Wilson, 16. department
website: http://www.palaisdetokyo.com/
Meeting Benjamin Bardinet, responsible for public programme; visiting the exhibition program Palais de Tokyo
*At 15.30 - 16.00
gb agency, Paris
Address: 20 rue Louise Weiss, 13. department
website: http://www.gbagency.fr/
Meeting Dominique Petitgand, artist, at his show at gb agency.
*At 16.00 - 16.30
in situ Fabienne Leclerc
Address: 10, rue duchefdelaville, 13. department
website: http://www.insituparis.fr/accueil.asp
Visit of the exhibition "Ah, les belles images" with Walid Raad, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil. Meeting with Hélène Chouteau.
see this link for the info on exhibition: http://www.paris-art.com/event_detail-7793.html
*At 16.30 LATEST departure for Brétigny
*At 17.00 - 18.00
CAC Brétigny
Address: Espace Jules Verne, Rue Henri Douard, 91220 Brétigny s/Orge
telephone: +33 1 60 85 20 76
website: http://www.cacbretigny.com/
Meeting the director of CAC Brétigny, Pierre Bal-Blanc
see the attached document for the plan of the trip from Paris to CAC Brétigny, Brétigny s/Orge
At 18.00 departure to St. Erme
At 20.00 Dinner at St. Erme
29 DECEMBER 2006/Friday
First resume of the exchange events, works, discussing the
Vienna program in diether theater and reading of two texts; a full day on
discussing ideas, theses, references, political and theoretical
points in our works/ researches; also talking about their socio-
political conditions and "causes" in different social contexts and
institutions; also discussing concepts such as - common, collective,
multitude, community, general intellect, agreement.
Text proposed by Belgrade branch: Bojana Cvejic THEORY, POLICE AND DISAGREEMENT
30 DECEMBER 2006/Saturday
FINAL RESUME of the whole event, program that will document the
events: book, fanzines, DVD and the Bg meeting and summer academy.
Deadline to get money for the book and other things in Vienna is on 12.1.2007.
Departure to Vienna early afternoon.
For more visit the Post Conceptual Art Practices/ Akbild, Vienna BLOG http://t4.antville.org/
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