Winter Update Meeting (WUM) 2023 December 27th - January 3rd: “The Present of PAF”
Submitted by PAF on Wed, 2023-11-22 17:22
Already one month before writing this invitation, PAF was fully booked for the period of WUM 2023. We’re genuinely sorry that if you haven’t booked by now, it’s unlikely your booking will make it off the waiting list. We still wanted to send out the invitation to keep you updated and share that the sessions will also be online.
In case you have booked already but will most likely not come, please let us know so we can still try to accommodate as many people as possible to take part in WUM 2023!
The Present. As usual, we will be discussing how PAF is currently running, and will continue to run, as a self-organised space. In slight variation to previous years, these discussions will formally occupy only two afternoons, in order to give back some space to the community, to also exchange amongst ourselves about our work, life, and the global situation we are living in at this moment.
One can also read “Present” as in Presence, since PAF can feel like a different place each time you come, depending on who is present. It’s a place of encounter, where you never know what kind of cross-pollination of ideas, forms and relations might occur within the unexpected influences of different approaches, particularly in an environment that encourages generative differences, where disagreements can lead into entangled explorations rather than defensive entrenchment.
As a verb, and in resonance with the main intention of the Winter Update Meeting, this is a time to present your work, complete or incomplete, scheduled or spontaneously, formally or informally, on (or off) a stage with an audience or just in conversation at the dinner table. What are you currently working on? what have you recently finished? what are you presently curious or concerned about? What are the ideas, tools, and practices that you would like to share with others?
To present your work to others is a generous act, as is the effort of an engaged response; contributing to a rich exchange is to engage in one of the main presents of PAF: generosity. From the collective creation of the event to the cleaning, the cooking, the conversations and the initiatives of WUM, it all requires and makes us practise it every day.
Call For contributions for WUM publication
Some words resist group conversations. And some sentences prefer to be written before they are spoken. The WUM publication will be a parallel room for conversation during WUM. Whether you are on or off ground you are invited to submit a contribution specifically written for WUM on risopaf@gmail.com, “WUM-publication” in the subject line, deadline December 24th.
28.12: The SCI General Assembly will happen in PAF and on Zoom from 14-19h. The Zoom link will be sent out to SCI members some days before the GA.
29.12: Presentation and discussion of the continuing PAF self-organisation from 14-19h. Zoom link
30.12: Discussion around PAF orientation and continuity from 14-19h. Zoom link
Practical info
WUM 2023 will take place from 27.12.2023 - 3.1.2024. The price per night is 18€ with a minimum stay of 4 nights. Membership (12€) is obligatory due to insurance reasons, valid for one year. To come earlier or stay longer is of course possible.
The kitchen will be run by a team of experienced PAF chefs in collaboration with all of us helping out, from preparing to cleaning. Contribution is 15€ per day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner. If you have a specific diet please let us know here.
Please note that the house will be very full and that it is likely that you will be sharing a room with someone. In case you prefer a certain someone over a random someone, please let us know with whom you’d like to share so we can make it happen in the room plan. If you cannot share a room, please also let us know.
Reservations: contactpaf@gmail.com